The Civil War
Free Presentations in PowerPoint format
The United States Civil War – Large List of Assorted Power Points
Events Leading up to the Civil War
The American Civil War Beginnings
The American Civil War – A Nation Divided
The American Civil War – A Nation Divided, 1861–1865
Causes that Led to the Civil War
The Civil War – An Introduction
The Civil War through Maps, Charts, Graphs and Pictures
See Also: Abraham Lincolm, Civil War, The Underground Railroad
For more links, lessons and loads of other goodies for teachers and kids, continue on to see what Mr. Donn has to offer on the Abraham Lincoln, Underground Railroad, Civil War, Slavery and World History.
For Kids
The Civil War Games & Activities
For Teachers
Civil War Lesson Plans and Activities
Lesson Plans – The Civil War: A Nation Divided
Lessons on Slavery, the Crisis of the Union, the Civil War and Reconstruction